Amy Yilpi Australian, Pitjantjatjara & Yankunytjatjara, b. 1967

Amy is a Yankunytjatjara and Pitjantjatjara woman. Amy’s mother was from Yalata, a smallAnangu-community by the ocean of the Great Australian Bight in South Australia. Her fatherwas from the land that is today known as Mimili Community. Amy married a man fromWarakurna Community in Western Australia, where she lived for many years and commencedher painting. She recently returned to Mimili, where her children and siblings live, and is paintingher father’s country–the Maku (witchetty grub) songline. Amy is also a talented basketweaver and very knowledgeable for traditional medicines andbushfoods. She recalls learning these skills from her sister Julie and her mother and is passionate about passing it on to her three children today