Michelle Anderson Australian, Pitjantjatjara, b. 1986

Michelle Anderson has direct family line of great Spinifex painters. Her immediate Grandmothers are Myrtle Pennington and Myrtles younger sister Carlene West. As a young mother herself, Michelle watched from a safe distance as the acclaimed painting careers of both Myrtle and Carlene grew to great heights. She became the primary carer, as Myrtle aged gracefully, and would sit, watch and listen as her grandmother painted the significant sites of Mulplya and Kanpa. Myrtle loved having her granddaughter by her side and watching the subtle generational transference of Tjukurpa.


Michelle began to assist Myrtle during her tiring final few paintings before Myrtle became immobile by her own frailty. But this spurned Michelle into a creative pursuit to continue forward with what she'd garnered from her time with Myrtle. And in a short space of time, Michelle has succeeded in expanding her own creativity whilst keeping grounded in all she has learnt. The result is as sublime as it is individual, with the compositions expressing a new found creative palette from the roots of rich legacy.