Alison Porter Australian, Ngaanyatjarra, b. 1966

Alison Porter is an artist belonging to the Ngaanyatjarra language and cultural group and lives in the remote community of Warakurna, WA.

Alison was born in the remote Ngaanyatjarra community of Cosmo Newberry and attended school in Warburton. Alison’s family returned to the area when the Warakurna Community was established in the early 1970’s. Alison, also known as A.P. remained in Warakurna after she finished school, she later married and raised her children there.

Alison began weaving for Tjanpi Desert Weavers in April 2018, and quickly started to produce strong, well-sewn sculpted figures. Alison was taught her weaving skills by her mother Anna, a well-known basket weaver.

Alison’s style has quickly developed and is characterised with the use of bright woollen colours to create life-size tinka (Lizard) and Papa (Dog). Alison has also begun to teach her daughter Donisha Yunkett, who completed her first tinka in October 2018.