Marylou Divilli Orliyarli Australian, Ngarinyin, b. 1987

Marylou identifies as Nyikina and Ngarinyin, both from her mother's side. She says the main reason she paints is to learn more about culture and is inspired by the older people - she likes the way they tell stories and sing. Commercial gain is not a motivating factor; she wants people to know her work, and through it her identity. Not limited to working in one medium, Marylou exhibits her photography and also loves to paint. She prefers ochre to acrylic when working on canvas as she loves the colours of earth pigments and the effects they produce when mixed together. She paints mostly animals such as possum and her totem animal the saltwater barramundi, but also enjoys pain ngstories. Marylou says she likes to work in a spontaneous style; "a little bit rougher like the rock art. I like to experiment in my art, to try to make it look different. "Text from, 'Mowanjum Daytrip,' August 2015, by Philippa Jahn, DRS.