Maggie Porter Australian, Ngaanyatjarra, b. c. 1961

Maggie Porter was an early member of Tjarlirli art in its founding years, but previous to this year she had not painted since 2007. She was born near Kurltkurta out bush before travelling with her family to Papunya. She moved back to Tjukurla when the outstation was first established in1981.More recently she was undergoing dialysis treatment in Alice Springs until Purple Housebuilt the dialysis unit in Kaltukatjara (Docker River). She is now able to live closer to her home country and has begun to paint regularly at the art centre. Her works depict the Kapi (waterholes), Tali (sandhills) and Puli (rocks),of important sites close to Tjukurla and throughout the NG lands. Her work is exciting, fresh and bold.