Susie Peterson Australian, Alyawarr, b. 1965

Susie Ngwarrey Peterson was born in Wutunugurra (Epenarra) in 1965 and still resides there today. She is a core member of the Epenarra artist's collective and is well-known for her richly detailed portrayals of the landscape around Wutunugurra. Her elegant brush strokes and refined dotting bring the details of the country to life; with visitors to the region frequently commenting how well her paintings capture the essence of the scenery there. Susie began painting and participating in silk dyeing workshops in the early 2000s, during the irst sporadic visits from outreach programs which brought art supplies to Wutunugurra. It was not until 2012 that a regular outreach program was established for the community and Susie began to paint consistently. From very early in her career, Susie's precision and natural artistry can be seen in the fine details of the foliage filling her landscapes and the subtle shifts of colourin the nets of dot work which cover the surface ofher works.Overtime, Susie's visual language has had a profound influence on the Epenarra artists, where a number of notable artists hold a strong interest in landscape painting and pay particular interest to the bush foods and medicines which are scattered across the landscape of their Country.